Thursday 28 June 2018

The people in my life.........

As most of you know, I am back home in Canada. I came home last Friday to support Derek and Abby as she continues her cancer treatments.  It was time to come home and be mom and grandma for a little while.  My son has been carrying the load by himself for far too long. I hope to be able to ease that load a little while I'm here.  My heart told me it was time to come so I followed my heart.

Before I left, some amazing people in my life decided to reach out to my friends and family to raise money to help with my expenses.  To say I was overwhelmed with this generosity is a huge understatement.  I have said many, many times that I am so blessed to have so many good people in my life.  These are the people who stood by me every step of the way as my life collapsed around me almost five years ago.  Who believed in me as I slowly, painstakingly rebuilt it, one day and one dream at a time.  Who were there for me when I was consumed by rage and anger and sadness and despair.  Who helped me see that life was still worth living, that it could be better than ever, that I could be happier and more content than I had ever been.

They were right.  My life is my own now.  And I love that life.  I love that I am a strong, independent woman, living my dream in Paris.  I love that I could lift myself up, dust myself off and will my way into a new world. I love that I have  surrounded myself with loving, supportive, kind, compassionate, funny, intelligent people.  People who care about this world.  People who care about others.  People who can make me laugh until I pee, but who are also there to hug me and hold me when I need those hugs to keep me going.  I hope I am worthy of all this love and support.  I hope I give back as much as I am so generously given. I am humbled by how much the people in my life ~ in Paris, in Canada, in Malta, in the US, in Luxembourg, and around the world, care about me.  How much they are rooting for me.

That love is sustaining me as I try to support Derek and Abby in whatever way I can.  This little girl is a fighter, she is full of love and light and courage, of little smiles, of hugs that melt your heart.  She has been fighting for so long, it's all she knows.  But her sweetness and courage inspire me.

And then there is my son. Derek has been by Abby's side every single step of the way.  He has given up everything, put up with obstacles that no human being should ever have to face as their child is battling cancer.  He is her rock.  He never complains, he just does what needs doing.  He is the most selfless person I know.  I am so damn proud of him.  Proud to be his mom.  Proud that I have raised a man who just does the right thing because it's the right thing to do. Because he just couldn't do otherwise, regardless of the cost.  Derek is my rock, my hero.  He and Abby continually show me what true love means.  What unconditional love means.  I am so grateful I am able to be here for them right now.

One day at a time.  It's always been one day at a time.  Really, it's one day at a time for everyone. We can't change the past and we can't control the future.  We can only live the life we have been given in the moment.  There's no reason for whatever happens in life.  It just happens.  The only constant is change.  All we can control is how we react to that change.  That has been my mantra for the last five years. It has helped me cope when things seemed insurmountable.  It is helping me cope now. One day at a time.


  1. Lots of love and hugs from Florida. Onward & upward.

  2. And you're coping with such grace. You're an inspiration to me, Johanne.

  3. Blessings to you and your beautiful family.
